Changing Lives: The Heartwarming Journey of an Advocate for Stray Dogs and Their Rescue 

Date of publication: 8/1/2023

Several years ago, the broken heart of one person ignited a series of events that would transform the lives of countless stray dogs. This individual has since become widely known as the esteemed “canine savior.”

Michael J. Baines, a Scottish restaurateur, relocated to Thailand 15 years ago after falling in love with the country during a visit with his wife. Leaving behind their previous home in Sweden, the couple embarked on a new restaurant venture in Thailand.

While working one day, Baines encountered a thin and famished stray dog who approached him in search of food. In the dog’s eyes, he saw a plea for help. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that she was malnourished and had recently given birth to puppies.

Unable to bear her suffering, Baines began providing her with daily meals. This experience ignited a deep desire within him to help other distressed dogs, as he couldn’t bear to witness their agony.

Baines had an epiphany when he witnessed the dire conditions of neglected dogs in his vicinity. He realized he needed to take action. Determined and unwavering, he made a commitment to feed stray dogs every day with remarkable dedication and consistency. This involved making stops at 17 different locations along three different routes to ensure that each dog received a meal.

During his morning routine, Baines made eight stops, nourishing 30 dogs. After breakfast, he prepared for his second round, collecting food and making an additional eight or nine stops to feed another 30 to 35 dogs. Outside his restaurant, six more dogs received food, and on his way back home from work, he fed four to five dogs. Baines’ unwavering dedication has had a profound impact on the lives of these dogs.

The furry canines are served a nourishing blend of dry food, boiled rice, and vegetable oil mixed with bouillon. Their taste buds are delighted with a savory concoction of boiled chicken, pork, and fish. To ensure their well-being, Baines administers monthly doses of worm and flea prevention powder.

All expenses are covered either by Baines himself or through generous donations. In 2003, Baines and his wife, Gill Dalley, established The Soi Dog Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a safe haven for stray dogs.

Their mission is to improve the quality of life for dogs and cats in Asia, benefiting both the animal and human populations. They work tirelessly to build a society free from homeless pets and to ultimately eliminate animal suffering.

Presently, the Soi Dog Foundation boasts a specialized hospital for cats and an advanced hospital for dogs—the largest and most comprehensive in Asia, if not globally. This facility exclusively tends to the medical needs of street dogs.

Gill’s unwavering commitment to her furry companions drove her to spend the last four years of her life designing and overseeing the construction of the dog hospital. She fulfilled the promise she made many years ago to provide impeccable care for her beloved street dogs.

Baines continues to actively engage with the Soi Dog Foundation, honoring his promise to Gill and the stray cats and dogs. In recognition of his exceptional efforts in animal welfare in Southeast Asia, he was awarded an MBE in the Queen Elizabeth II Birthday Honors in 2020.

Author: mien

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